Monday, June 30, 2008

Your Thoughts and Tips

As you work your way through the assignment, please add comments letting the class know what part each of your group members is doing to contribute. Also, please share any information you have come across that has been particularly useful to you.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hurricane Katrina Assignment

Hurricane Katrina is one of the most devastating disasters our country has faced. You will be testifying before Congress to assess the disaster relief efforts that were employed and to suggest better ways to address future disasters. You will be part of an assigned group taking on the role of one of the following: mayor of New Orleans, governor of Louisiana, FEMA, or the Red Cross. For this assignment, you will be expected to present a Power Point on your findings and to submit a 5-8 page research paper describing what went wrong and why and how you intend to improve future relief efforts. Please click on the comments below to find pertinent research information and links.